TET – Beautiful Peak District and Challenging Wales!

Short funny recap video of us following Trans Euro Trail for 4 days, Peaks to North Wales and heading down South: HERE

That’s only a small part of the whole Trans Euro Trail route in the UK, and it’s slightly different from original as we started not quite on the track – here it is – the actual part that we covered, and also with few changes too.. 

(Actual GPX file of Our trip is available to download at the bottom of this page, and Full TET route on TransEuroTrail.org -more about TET HERE)

Article about our trip!

Article about us! This is one of the stunning trails that we did on our trip that was discussed on AdventureBikeRider.com! Well surprised! Thank you!

Stunning footage of big bikes tackling the notorious Bastard Lane

Since we followed the route for 4 days, i have split each day’s videos in to separate segments, made a separate recap video for each day, as well as recorded all the trails on the way, footage is not great and my editing skills were still at beginners level, but anyway, we all have to start somewhere… so here it is, a whole story, with all the links to each and every trail we covered!

Following TET – Day 1

Me and Mike met early morning in a beautiful town called Leek. Since Mike is familiar with that area, we decided that it would be a good idea for him to show me a few trails before we hit the famous TET route somewhere in a Peak District. Since he was almost guiding me around, I didn’t bother switching on the sat nav, and only once we passed the “secret nuclear bunker” place that I remembered seeing on the map – I realised that we were already on the Trans Euro Trail! 

One of the first deep ford crossings where we nearly drowned our bikes... after that we stopped for a moment to drain water out of our boots, and... well.. dry out our socks too!
Picture: One of the first deep ford crossings where we nearly drowned our bikes… after that we stopped for a moment to drain water out of our boots, and… well.. dry out our socks too!

That day we did something like 125 miles – not too many, mainly because of my lack of experience and the number of times I have dropped my bike… also a crazy number of gates we had to open and close did not help to make the progress! Few really nice and easy going lanes, few crazy rocky lanes, few water crossings / fords, in one of them we nearly drowned our bikes, few detours as conditions were not very big bike friendly!

At some point we met a few riders who were following the same route. Then we got stuck in a extremely muddy lane and Mike slightly overheated trying to get his bike out – easily done in a 30 plus temperatures with all the gear on! Me – got shocked by an electric shepherd, dropped my bike like 6 times!

Following TET – Day 2

The second day started quite well, really nice weather to follow Trans Euro Trail and a first drop within the first mile! Some nice views and then the second drop into the water, like I needed a shower! Some more awesome views and few rocky lanes. and then gates, gates and more gates! Few more drops and I realised that I have no more energy left! On top of that sun was getting hotter and hotter..and finally one steep climb on the slates beat me up completely… having no idea how to deal with it, managed to drop my bike twice in there and then overheat fighting it. I was trying to move my bike forward but it just kept sliding backwards! Luckily, Mike knew what he was doing – so he pulled me out and I must say with ease and enjoyment! And me – I had to have a short break to cool myself down a bit. Few more rocky lanes later I managed to pick the best line out of them all and got stuck in the mud!

Mike next to my xt in a mud, at least I picked an awesome spot to get stuck - Trail near Dolwyddelan Castle.
Picture: Mike next to my xt in a mud, at least I picked an awesome spot to get stuck – Trail near Dolwyddelan Castle.

Luckily after that we had a few relaxing lanes, a few very scenic trails/roads, Harlech Castle and world’s steepest street! 

Few more drops later – famous Barmouth Bridge (and yes it is allowed to ride over it) and an absolutely stunning trail with a view of the same bridge from a distance (Bomber lane)! Shame it was a bit rainy / foggy. 

Overall a good day with lots of views, variety of different lanes and few drops in silly places! Covered 125 miles or so – which is not that bad i think.

Picture: That's just before lunch stop near the stream.. a very cold stream! Don't ask me how i know that, but that day was super hot, and i needed to cool down!
Picture: That’s just before lunch stop near the stream.. a very cold stream! Don’t ask me how i know that, but that day was super hot, and i needed to cool down!

Following TET – Day 3

This is the third day following the Trans Euro Trail in North Wales, North heading South. 

Day started OK by Welsh standards – a bit rainy and foggy, nothing you wouldn’t expect in Wales! After a few trails including one short stretch of super rocky lane (it doesn’t look half as bad in a video) we reached the famous Happy Valley trail! I don’t think I’ll remember it as a very “Happy” as it wasn’t happy for me at all! 

Picture: Struggles in "Happy Valley"
Picture: Struggles in “Happy Valley”

Only on the climb I dropped my bike like 5 times! Twice on the rocks, twice one the slates, and I slipped once… Mike had to help me twice, and on one rocky section he nearly dropped my bike too. I wish he just dropped it instead of stretching his back muscles while saving it! So i can’t say i enjoyed it a lot at that moment. I think mainly because we did it before proper breakfast, it was foggy and rainy and simply all that together resulted in fairly bad moods…But…

After reaching town we had an enormous size English breakfast and things no longer looked half as bad! We  even managed to tackle Bastard lane (Horseshoe lane) with smiles and laughter and me – dropped my bike only once on a big steep/drop! Obviously i did it in a style like no other too and most importantly – enjoyed it, well not a drop, but the challenge! 

Mike on the biggest drop on the famous Bastard Lane
Mike on the biggest drop on the famous Bastard Lane

The rest of the day was fairly smooth, few really nice valleys, nice easy going lanes with only a handful of slightly more difficult sections. 

We covered another 125miles or so, and despite all the troubles in the morning, I think this day was the best of all 4 days on TET! Lots of breathtaking views, lots of awesome lanes! I hated it in the morning, but the rest of the day was just super!

Following TET – Day 4

That was a short day for me, mainly Strata Florida and a few more lanes, but plenty of nice views for a short day! I had to head home for a few reasons so after lunch – me and Mike went separate ways!

Picture: Half way through the Strata Florida, I believe next to the bomb hole that I nearly ran into…
Picture: Half way through the Strata Florida, I believe next to the bomb hole that I nearly ran into…

Download Gpx File: (*.zip – compressed “zipped” file)

Please check the route before use! and if used – use it at your own risk!

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