Sealskinz – Thoughts On Waterproof Socks And The Alternatives

“Waterproof socks” you say? Ok… not sure about you but it does sound very interesting! And to be honest- it’s a pretty interesting thing to have too!

The use of sealskinz (or if there is one – any other brand of waterproof socks) is pretty wide I assume, riding adventure motorcycles is one of them, and for a good reason.

Expensive for a pair of socks, and even though I haven’t managed to wear out a single pair just yet, I wasn’t hiking in them either so i can’t comment on durability. What i can comment on for sure – usability, and to be honest, they came in being useful few times!

Yeah… i know – a very exciting picture of… socks!

Not in a way like a pack of matches would be useful trying to start a fire on a freezing night thought, but more like a choice between a lighter and matches kind of useful…(keep reading…)

Let me explain, boots are open top, and so are socks – once water gets into them, it stays inside of them! Ha! didn’t expect that, did you!?

So let’s call sealskinz “a lighter” in our fire starting analogy, because once they are on, they will keep your feet dry if you will ride through bunch of small puddles (a bit more expensive and but more modern way to stay dry if you like) but unfortunately your socks will fill up to the brim if you will find yourself wading somewhere in a deep ford, and so – no use of them after (that’s if not worse!).

“tumble dry cool or drip dry” it says, what it doesn’t say that you should dry outside, and then the inside!

The matches in the same analogy would be… bin bags! Or any bags for that matter! If got wet and a long road ahead, get your boots off, get your socks off, put a fresh pair of socks and a bin bag over it – cheap and simple way to keep yourself dry and warm! And, trust me, there is no better feeling when a nice dry sock on your leg on a wet, miserable but hopefully fun day wading around (fording – call it what you like)!

Both ways have their own negatives, sealskinz (even those with silicone liner/ring at the top) will let water in, in the deep water, unless you shave your legs that is (in that case might be a different story – i don’t know!) and bin bags are not that cool and also not recommended to ride like that for a very long period of time – as sweat will accumulate and sealed with a bag – will only make it worse!

As a final thought, I do like my sealskinz (not a big fan of washing them though, did i mentioned that? Have to wash them from both sides!). The inner layer feels quite nice, but so do my wool socks! And on longer trips, if I take them with me (or on me) or I don’t – somehow I have never even thought about them like “oh, I’m glad I’m wearing these today!” but when I got my feet wet, had no spare socks with me and had to push myself to get home through the cold- I did ask myself a few times “why i have them if I’m not wearing them???”

So there it is and I hope that was useful!

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